Urbana University's Online Master's Program To Pay For Your Medical School's Tuition

Urbana University is another University,  that offers online Master's program. You can attend their Master's program to pay for your medical school's expenses. Many AUA students use Urbana University's Online Master's Program to pay for their school. But, Urbana University is not just limited to AUA, anyone can attend their Master's program. Most of the students sign up for the healthcare management program. The work load is not too crazy. All the assignments are submitted through blackboard so you wouldn't need to go to the campus. You can do all the assignments from your house as long as you a internet connection. Not only that, you will have enough time to study for your medical school. The admission requirements are also the same as other online Master's program. Please see my other posts about the admission process

What I like about Urbana University is that they are open about their Master's program. Which means you can call them up and say that you attend a medical school in Caribbean and would like to apply for the online Master's program. But, I wouldn't recommend you to say that. Just call them up and ask for the application process. As long as you have a Bachelor's degree done you should have no problem applying for the Online Master's program. The acceptance process is very smooth and will take only few days. Once you are accepted you should be able to apply for the federal loans. Once you get the loans, after paying for your  online master's program you will have enough money left to pay for your med school. Good luck with the process!